Understanding Cord Blood Banking vs. Stem Cell Banking

At VitalCells, we process and store potentially billions of your child’s live stem cells. Traditional cord blood and cord tissue banks do not provide 

1) enough live stem cells for your child, 

2) access to these cells or 

3) processing to VitalCells standard to ensure these cells are safely secured throughout the child’s life. Parents should ask: How many live stem cells are you banking?

Parents playing with child at sunrise.
Man clasping hands behind back.
Women gracefully showcasing her neck.

Two Sources Of Stem Cells:

Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs) - from the cord blood

Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) - from cord tissue and cord blood

When banked at VitalCells, cells can be utilized throughout the child's life, not for just single use cases.

Your child's own stem cells can potentially enhance these benefits as these are your child’s youngest cells stored in time. The best time to bank stem cells is at birth