Frequently Asked Questions
Common Questions
Any risk to my child or myself?
The cord blood and tissue collection process is known by all OBs and midwives and is performed after delivery. This is a safe and well-known process that provides no risk or pain to mother or baby during the sample collection process.
Can I delay clamping the cord and still bank cord tissue and cord blood
Absolutely. We recommend discussing with your medical professional the timing of umbilical cord clamping. The process of cord blood collection begins immediately after the cord is clamped and cut. We require at the very least the cord tissue for banking with VitalCells.
How does a c-section affect collection
The collection process is not affected by c-section. Your medical professional can still collect the cord tissue and blood during a c-section.
Does banking cord blood take beneficial blood away from the baby at delivery?
Delayed cord clamping can be done in conjunction with collecting the cord blood and cord tissue for newborn banking. Cord blood and tissue collection begins immediately after the cord is clamped and cut. At VitalCells, we prefer both the cord blood and cord tissue sample, but at the very least need the cord tissue. Sending VitalCells the minimum cord tissue requirement will not affect plans for delayed cord clamping.
Common Misconceptions
The Total Nucleated Cell (TNC) measures the live stem cell count.
False. The total nucleated cell (TNC) count shows both dead and live cells in a sample. Many banks interchangeably refer to their TNC count as their “total stem cell count.” However, this is very misleading as only 1-3% of the TNC count actually comprises a live mesenchymal stem cell count (MSC count).
For maximum stem cell yield, it’s necessary to bank the cord blood, cord tissue, and the placenta.
At VitalCells, we prioritize the number of live stem cells that we can safely cryopreserve for our clients. With our revolutionary technology, CellMaxx™, we can obtain potentially billions of your newborn’s mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) using only the cord blood and cord tissue samples. The placenta is often difficult to keep sterile during transportation and VitalCells does not need any further samples besides the cord blood and cord tissue. Given that VitalCells can provide up to 10x more MSCs in our basic plan and potentially more than 1,000x MSCs in total versus leading competitors, including those who bank the placenta, it is unnecessary for VitalCells to offer placenta banking services.
What is a Stem Cell?
A stem cell is essentially a cell with a blank slate of your DNA. It can replicate and differentiate into other cell types. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) that are derived from adipose, bone marrow, and umbilical cord blood/tissue can be signaled by injured cells and home in on sites of inflammation throughout the body. MSCs are immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory.
What is Stem Cell banking?
Stem cell banking is the process where your stem cells are culture expanded into large numbers of stem cells with your own DNA. These cells are cryopreserved and stored for you to use in the future.
Why Vitalcells VS Competitors?
VitalCells, offers newborn and personal cell banking with the current goals being to optimize the expansion and cryopreservation process. VitalCells works with the leaders and pioneers of cell culture and promises integrity in the handling of your personal cells. While ACT may be in charge of your precious resources, ultimately you and your doctor will decide when you want your cells and how to use them.
What is regenerative medicine?
Historically, medicine has looked to alleviate pain primarily by masking the symptoms or putting the body in a position to naturally heal itself (ie. casting a broken arm and allowing the body to repair the injury). Today, scientists and physicians are showing there might be an alternative to this practice, which they’re calling regenerative medicine. Regenerative Medicine relies on the concept of primarily healing an injury with cells as opposed to masking the symptoms or letting the body naturally heal itself. It’s an exciting advancement in medicine that sees progress made on a daily bas.
What are Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)?
A stem cell is essentially a cell with a blank slate of your DNA. It can replicate and differentiate into other cell types. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) that are derived from adipose, bone marrow, and umbilical cord blood/tissue can be signaled by injured cells and home in on sites of inflammation throughout the body. MSCs are immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent stem cells that can differentiate into a variety of cell types, including bone (osteoblasts), cartilage (chondrocytes), muscle (myocytes) and fat (adipocytes).
What is Total Nucleated Cell (TNC) count?
Total Nucleated Cell (TNC) count measures the total number of cells that contain a nucleus (excluding red blood cells, but is not limited to just stem cells) in a sample. Stem cells only comprise a small portion of the TNC count. Most importantly, TNC count does not measure the viability of the cells which states if the cells counted are dead or alive.
How is Total Nucleated Cell (TNC) count miselading?
Total Nucleated Cell (TNC) count shows the total cells both dead and live in a sample. Only a tiny percentage of the TNC count comprises actual stem cells versus other types of cells.
Do you recommend banking the placenta?
At VitalCells, we prioritize the number of live stem cells that we can safely cryopreserve for our clients. With our revolutionary technology, CellMaxx™, we can obtain potentially billions of your newborn’s mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) using only the cord blood and cord tissue samples. The placenta is often difficult to keep sterile during transportation and VitalCells does not need any further samples besides the cord blood and cord tissue. Given that VitalCells can provide up to 10x more MSCs in our basic plan and potentially more than 1,000x MSCs in total versus leading competitors, including those who bank the placenta, it is unnecessary for VitalCells to offer placenta banking services.
How long are my newborn's cells viable for?
In theory, indefinitely. Once cells are at -196°C the cells are metabolically inactive, and ‘suspended in time’ practically forever. Scientific cell banking data over the last 70 years supports this method of long-term storage and its ongoing viability.
Do stem cells expire?
Cryopreservation should maintain your MSCs for decades, even indefinitely. There’s no current evidence that MSCs have an expiration date when properly cryopreserved.
Why Vitalcells
How is Vitalcells different than other Newborn cord blood / tissue banks
Exclusive to VitalCells, our revolutionary processing technique, CellMaxx™, now makes it possible to grow potentially billions of your newborn’s cells. With 10x more live stem cells in our introductory plan and more than 1000x live stem cells possible than leading US competitors, you can take comfort knowing your child will have access to more stem cells throughout their lifetime.
Only Bank to Offer Live Stem Cell Count Guarantee
VitalCells ensures that your child has access to at least 10 million live stem cells (10x more than other banks) and can guarantee up to 500 million live stem cells based on the banking program selected.
1,000x More Live Stem Cells Possible with CellMaxx™
With 10x more live stem cells in our basic plan, and more than 1,000x live stem cells possible vs. leading competitors, your child will have access to more stem cells throughout their lifetime with CellMaxx™ – only at VitalCells.
100% of Toxic Red Blood Cells Eliminated
RBCs can be cytotoxic to stem cells cryogenically preserved over long periods and can lead to a reduction of total live stem cells available for future use. At VitalCells, 100% of toxic RBCs are eliminated.
Why Cell Maxx™
Exclusive to VitalCells, our revolutionary processing technique, CellMaxx™, now makes it possible to grow potentially billions of your newborn’s cells. With 10x more live stem cells in our introductory plan and more than 1,000x live stem cells possible than leading US competitors, you can take comfort knowing your child will have access to more stem cells throughout their lifetime.
CellMaxx™ Process Ensures
- More than 1,000x live stem cells possible versus leading competitors
- Cells available for multiple requests
- 100% Elimination of toxic Red Blood Cells (competitors only reduce – not eliminate)
- Safely protecting and managing cells for life
- Live stem cell count guaranteed (only newborn in US to make this promise)
Do you verify Live Stem Cell count?
Total live stem cell count is ultimately what matters and VitalCells is the only newborn bank to verify live stem cell count. We perform viability analysis on all samples before cryopreservation and before shipping samples, which counts the total number of live stem cells. Internally, we have multiple techniques, both automated and manual, for live stem cell counting. We also perform studies on our stem cell samples to confirm they hold the proper stem cell markers.
What is regenerative medicine
Historically, medicine has looked to alleviate pain primarily by masking the symptoms or putting the body in a position to naturally heal itself (ie. casting a broken arm and allowing the body to repair the injury). Today, scientists and physicians are showing there might be an alternative to this practice, which they’re calling regenerative medicine. Regenerative Medicine relies on the concept of primarily healing an injury with cells as opposed to masking the symptoms or letting the body naturally heal itself. It’s an exciting advancement in medicine that sees progress made on a daily bas.
What are Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)?
A stem cell is essentially a cell with a blank slate of your DNA. It can replicate and differentiate into other cell types. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) that are derived from adipose, bone marrow, and umbilical cord blood/tissue can be signaled by injured cells and home in on sites of inflammation throughout the body. MSCs are immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent stem cells that can differentiate into a variety of cell types, including bone (osteoblasts), cartilage (chondrocytes), muscle (myocytes) and fat (adipocytes).
Is placenta banking necessary
In addition to posting a very serious safety concern, we believe it’s completely unnecessary to cryopreserve the placenta to obtain more stem cells. With our proprietary technology, CellMaxx™ can extract potentially more than 1,000x live MSCs than leading competitors, including those who extract stem cells from the placenta. At VitalCells, we can obtain potentially billions of your newborn’s mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) using only the cord blood and cord tissue samples, and therefore there is no need for any other sample types.
What does Vitalcells' pricing and packages compare to other newborn banks?
After initial processing fees, VitalCells’ price per million live mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) starts at $50, which is roughly 50% savings over leading competitors. On average, our entry-level plan has 10x more live MSC’s than leading competitors’ starter plans. For those looking for more protection, we offer plans that allow you to bank potentially billions of your newborn’s MSCs and have them available to you immediately. This is possible via CellMaxx™, our proprietary technology, that allows us to process and store up to 1,000x more cells than leading US competitors.
VitalCells offers various Bio-Insurance and Longevity programs that allow you to have up to 500 million MSCs available immediately upon request. This is a powerful option for parents wanting to have hundreds of millions of cells available in case of an emergency or other uses.
At VitallCells, we believe banking your newborn’s cord blood and tissue stem cells are one of the most important decisions you can make for your baby and family. VitalCells believes that each newborn banked is unique and your package should be too. Set up a consultation with VitalCells today and let us create your bespoke banking plan that fits your family’s needs.